I am a Man Of My Words (Freewrite)

I am a man of my words

I stick to what i say and i say what i mean,

When i talk the talk, I walk the walk,

My words are timeless like a tower clock,

Its potent like hot bullets from a spurt out glock,

When i say, i will ride for my people,

I will sacrifice my llfe like Patrice Lamumba,

What is a man without his word being a bond?

I will dedicate my life to God, in fullfilling my destiny,

I am a man of my words,

I will be there for you like no other friend would.


Art 4 Life           Poetry 4 Life          Thug 4 Life

Being Black

It’s really hard being black in this world,

The White man plotting our demise is a part of their curse,

All of us blacks are marginalized and victimized,

Since God gave us breath,

The white man control the politics, economics and resources,

We are a part of the white manz game of get rich or die trying,

Capitalistic, slavery mentality,

All of us blacks, suffer from post traumatic slavery disease,

400 years of blood, sweat and tears could never wipe away,

The excruciating pain, we suffer,

Everyday, we get up, praying to God,

We don’t get shot by the police or face institutional racism,

We dying every fucking day,

when will we unite to build institutions?

To save the unborn babies from the white manz domination,

My mental health suffers from being attacked,

It’s really hard being black.

Art 4 Life                       Poetry 4 Life               Thug 4 Life

Black Power


The world is in darkness,

The universe embodies in darkness,

Black people are created in the darkness,

The black embryo nurtured in the darkness,

When we sleep, in the darkness,

The third eye, in the darkness,

The unseen, in the darkness,

Our dreams and visions first is manifested with-in the darkness,

To meditate, to hear God, feel God, within the darkness,

The creation was created in the darkness,

Emotions are felt within the darkness,

The beauty of life is mostly appreciated in the darkness,

Art 4 Life Poetry 4 Life Thug 4 Life

Black Power

I Am Trying

I am trying to be better,

I am trying to do better,

I am trying to think better,

I am trying to live better,

I am trying to eat better,

I am trying to love better,

I am trying to listen better,

I am trying to work better,

I am trying to connect better with my people,

I am trying to become one with the creator,

I am trying to become a better artist,

I am trying to become a better activist,

I am trying to become a man of my words,

I am trying to become a institutional builder,

I am trying to connect with my ancestors,

I am trying to see with my third eye better,

I am trying to become more spiritual,

I am trying to become more deeper,

I am trying to be more financially stable,

With everything in life, I am set out to do,

I am fucking trying!


Art 4 Life.             Poetry 4 Life.        Thug 4 Life. 

Black Power  

Hate despises Coward – Freewrite

Power recognizes Power,

Hate despises Coward,

So many lost souls sell their soul, to gain the world by the hour,

When will we learn to unite like the flower?

Manifest a new reality like a Pharaoh,

Speak and you shall receive,

Remain silent and you shall be defeat,

So many elder’s mind, backwards in condition deep,

They don’t listen while they speak, their wisdom dispossess by their alter-ego personality,

There is power in the tongue, think before you speak,

Learn to live inside before you see externally,

Thoughts become your words, words become your creed,

But this world is so upside down,

Everybody breathes negativity.


Art 4 Life Poetry 4 Life Thug 4 Life

Black Power

Pandemic (Plandemic)

Is this a sign?

This pandemic is fucking up my mind,

it makes me reflect,

We don’t have much time,

So many cries, so many lies,

Who can you trust?

Capitalistic world refined,

Raw definition of greed, solely defined,

First world countries just experiencing third world stories,

You have no idea,

This is just the beginning,

Racism at its forefront like the civil war in 1861,

Chinese are being discriminated in this 3rd dimensional world,

When you turn the number 6 card upside down,

Number 9 shows that black people are being victimized in China,

Two wrong cant make a right,

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery,

None but ourselves can free our mind,

Lest we not forget modern day holocaust of Muslims,

Uighurs and Kazakhs concentrations camps,

They are beating them, murdering them, brainwashing them,

Feeding them pork


Nobody seems to give a fuck,

I’m pissed off,

We still have to keep our heads up,

Aim for love & unity,

Intellectual reasoning, forgive but don’t forget,

As the struggle continues,

Corona comes, it’s time to reflect,

Nation wide, as God’s children reminisce,

Is it a man-made disease?

Controlling human physique,

Establishing a new world, it may seem,

Is it a pestilence and we’re cursed for our sins?

Where does the lost go?

Still trying to make sense of this,

Mankind wicked crime, oh God almighty,

Hear our cry!

Pandemic pauses our time,

Yet still seeing dead bodies on the line,

Stupid motherfuckers don’t know the value of life,

All i’m seeing is cremated ashes in Urns,

Death doesn’t seem to trigger,

Governments reopening economy, manifest into regrets soon,

Beware of your greedy mood,

Money seem to be the creed,

Mental slavery being planted as seeds,

Celestial connection, is what we need

Knowledge is power, our soul it feeds,

We have to read, read, read,

Sieze all egotistical means,

Reach out to the under-privilege,

Offer your love and preach,

This virus acting like a nuclear bomb,

It doesn’t give a fuck about who you are,

What skin colour or size of your bank account,

Going to school and work provide an escape,

Picturing myself in their state,

Being rape by my own relative,

Puts me in a catatonic groove,

Getting beat and stabbed, kicked and pushed to starve,

It makes me feel hopeless and sad,

It makes me wanna end it all,

But my ancestors inspired me, mold me,

I hope someone can feel my pain,

I hope someone can relate,

Picturing myself in their state,

I lost my loved one, i know that life goes on,

Yet i don’t feel some sort of empathetic energy,

Some people are so selfish,

With a crab in a barrel mentality,

When you feel my pain,

You will grasp my rain,

But i’m here to tell you,

I hear you, I feel you, I love you,

I believe in you, I support you,

I cry with you and I’ll die with you,

Blessed are they that morn, for they shall be comforted.


Art 4 Life. Poetry 4 Life. Thug 4 Life

People evacuate wounded after of a massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2020. Massive explosions rocked downtown Beirut on Tuesday, flattening much of the port, damaging buildings and blowing out windows and doors as a giant mushroom cloud rose above the capital. Witnesses saw many people injured by flying glass and debris. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)
Bob Marley – So much trouble in the world
Buju Banton – God of my Salvation

400 Years

Engraving shows the arrival of a Dutch slave ship with a group of African slaves for sale, Jamestown, Virginia, 1619. (Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

400 Years of blood, sweat and tears,

Cognitive Dissonance of Post Traumatic Slave Disease,

They showered in our ancestor’s blood,

Omitting their murderous themes,

Enslaved in a Babylon, 400 years

Please tell me what has changed?

What is my name?

Do you think i’m proud of it?

The very same legacy left from my slave master’s days,

My last name marked as just a property,

To live and die as a slave,

My African name washed away in the Atlantic ocean,

A colonial name is my retribution,

What language do i speak?

Do you think i’m proud of it?

Red coats beating us to death to conform to their speech,

What is my mother tongue?

That died with my ancestors, locked with shackles and chains,

Over 400 years, we live and die as a slave,

Over 400 years, we continuously prayed,

Over 400 years, we’ve been brainwashed to their ways,

what clothes do i wear?

Do you think i’m proud of it?

What food do i eat?

Do you think i’m proud of it?

They killing us with their pharmaceutical pills,

Mother-nature is the real doctor,

Lets keep it real,

They killing us 1 by 1 with their electromagnetic field,

They scared of becoming a minority,

They setting us up against each other,

Like 2 bulls in a pen,

They plant Roast Bread fruit all over,

Black Boasty slaves singing Acapella,

I had to researched deeply for my African roots,

Constantly seeing White Supremacies as royalty rule,

Brainwashing young seeds to bow down to their feet,

Over 400 years, Ain’t shit changed,

Just evolve into a disease called Slave Mental State,

What is your colonial legacy?

Are you proud of it?

We’ve been too long in Babylon,

We’ve been too long in Babylon,

We’ve been too long in Babylon,

We’ve been too long in Babylon,

Over 400 years, Over 400 years, Over 400 years in Babylon.

-Buju Banton – 400 years (Chorus)


Art 4 Life. Poetry 4 Life. Thug 4 life

Black Power

Buju Banton – 400 Years
2pac – Wordz of Wisdom

2pac and Jada

2pac and Jada
2pac’s poem for Jada

I wanna be love,

But nobody love me like how my mama does,

I pray for a female friend that love me,

Like how she does,

She calling me on the phone asking me what’s up?

You okay?

I love you,

I think about you like a mother to a newborn,

A ride or die woman who’s down for me,

Through the storm,

She’ll stay on the phone with me for hours,

Continously empowering one another,

If she cries, I cry

If she fall, I fall

If she rise, I rise

I’ll be loyal to her like 2pac and Jada,

Inseperable duo,

If she needs a heart organ,

She got mine,

She gives me affection and I’ll caress her mind,

Our picture perfect photoshoot articulates our poetic vibe,

She stimulates my mind minus the sex,

She will curse you out when you violate,

She’ll wipe tears from my eyes when nobody does,

I’ll be her protector like a brother,

A father figure for her,

A 2pac and Jada friendship is what I crave for,

We would laugh together and make jokes,

If she goes to jail, I got her out on bail,

I would know her intricately,


Vice versa towards me,

My best friend to ease the pain of this world,

No matter what happen,

I will always be loyal to her,

Till death do us part,

Hoping for this to blossom into something  beautiful,

She being my queen and the mother of my children,

I crave for a 2pac and Jada relationship so much,

Her unconditional love surpasses any woman of this world.


Art 4 Life Poetry 4 Life Thug 4 Life

Black Power

2pac and Jada
2pac and Jada
2pac and Jada

Black Woman

Black Woman, how powerful you are,

Every knee shall bow,

Every tongue confess of who you are,

Black Woman, you are Royalty

Following the lineage of Queen Nefertiti,

Showing immense beauty like Queen Cleopatra,

Black Woman, you are godesses,

In your kalasiris dress,

Every man is blinded by your feminine qualities,

Like Ma’at, the egyptian goddess,

Black Woman, you are a Empress,

Your mind is so sharp like Queen Aminatu,

The cosmic energy first flow through you,

You are mother nature,

Mother nature aligns with you,

You are nurturers, natural comforters

Warriors like Amanirenas,

When you weep, the earth cry,

When you rise, the sun shines,

Your complexion shines like the stars,

Your eyes full of convictions,

Black Woman, you are strong,

Your presence shift the dynamics of the universe,

Your words are empowering,

God is within you,

Without you, there is no future,

Without you, there is no life,

Black Woman, you are the mother of all human civilization,

You alone possesses the mitochondrial dna,

Called Eve Gene,

For every human being on this planet,

So when it mutates, all other types of human being come about,

Black Woman, you are phenomenal,

The real statue of liberty is a Black Woman,

The U.S rejected it for a indoctrinated liberty,

Why does the Pope bow down to the Black Madonna?

They worship it in secrecy,

You are the most disrespected, unprotected,

Neglected person on this planet,

Black Woman, we will protect you,

We love you, we will kill for you,


We will die 4 you,

🎶 I am black, I am proud,

Follow Assata Shakur and shout it out loud,

Black will always stand out in a crowd,

We are like the universe, dark, bright and bold,

We nuh stop cry fi all Black Woman!! 🎶

Black Power


Poetry 4 life Art 4 life Thug 4 Life

Instragram: @yeza_music, youtube: yezamusic, Link: https://youtu.be/HepEX546ouk

Egyptian African Queen

My dark beautiful melanin skin,

A true descendant of a Black Royalty Queen,

In the midst of Egypt, looking for my Egyptian Queen,

The journey seem so endless,

Countless of sand dust, breaking my skin,

I’m determined like a snake, surviving in this sin,

The sahara sand viper, as witty as it is,

Tried to bite me with its venemous teeth,

A beautiful reptile with the sound of a hiss,

Fearlessness succumbs my spirit,

My mind sprung wings,

I killed the snake with my intelligence,

Cutting it into smithereens,

I stand bold with my khopesh sword,

Given to me by my ancestors,

10 kilometers away, i saw a sandstorm,

The sun rise at the east


Set at the west,

I made haste west to Alexandria City,

A city so ancient and beautiful like the Egyptian hieroglyphs,

A vision in my past had led me to believe,

That my one and truly love would be seen,

I look left, I look right, and in my mind,

Will I find my yin?

How can I find my Queen in this lost city?

Oh Amun-Ra, I need your assist,

I meditated, until the universe gave me a sign,

This luminous, fluorescent spirit was omnipresent,

I opened my eyes, and there lies,

A magnetic cosmic energy befolds me,

I’ve prayed for a Black Queen,

She prayed for a Black King,

If woman are Goddesses,

You cant tell me that God is not Feminine,

We took a trip to the pyramids of Giza,

There truly lies African’s Kings and Queens

We stair at each other in the eyes,

Law of Magnetism,

Her lips so kissable, so mystical like the Egyptian pyramids,

We kissed and make out on the sands,

And in the winds,

The scorpions watching us meticulously,

She biting my lip, it starts to bleed,

I’ve never made love like this,

Raw passion – love metamorphosis,

She turned her back towards me,

Her thick thighs glued on me,

Her gypsy wine, trini wine, jamaican defined,

Wining on me in a melodic, rhythmic twist

Her coacoa melanin skin,

Blind me like the eye of Ra,

So soft like a silk,

She dancing to Popcaan – Falling in Love in-sync,

She holds my head, while I hold her hips,

Wining on me like inhalemee,

The starry night unfolds, our love roars,

The moonlight lit our love galore,

We making passionate love, in the presence of Hathor,

I’m just a sucka for Love !


Art 4 Life Poetry 4 life Thug 4 Life

Black Power

Popcaan – Fall in love
Mint Condition – Pretty Brown Eyes
Instrgram: @_inhalemee | Inhalemee